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Be Mine

Debby White

Dear Friends, we should love each other, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has become God's child and knows God. 1 John 4:7

"Be Mine", "True Love", "So Sweet", "Hug Me", "Kiss Me", "Love Ya". What is your favorite "Conversation Heart" saying? I know what God's is, "Be Mine"! Listen and hear God saying, "Please be my Valentine, I'll always be yours"!

Before you send out Valentines or love notes this year, remember God has given us sixty-six books of them. The Bible! Each time we read the Bible we are unraveling the great mystery of God's love for us. The Bible, a sixty-six book of love letters, Valentines to us, powerful messages to our hearts. Knowing God's love is the best kind of Valentine I can think of.

Happy Valentine's Day filled with Love to keep and Love to share!

Youth Group at the Church! Plan to meet In-Person Sunday, February 14, 5:30-7:00. Valentine pizza and brownies will be served. Hope to see you then.

Love ya, Your Youth Leaders


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