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Debby White

Be You

Now you are the Body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27

Wasn't Holy Week wonderful and Easter Sunday was a beautiful celebration of Jesus living in us? We not only found the treasure of having Jesus, but that of having and serving each other. Are the other 51 weeks like this for the Body of Christ?

So many people shared their gifts to enhance the experience of Easter for each other. How will you use your gifts/talents to help FBC move forward with getting back to some normalcy? What will be your part of the ReShape FBC?

I would like to share a parable I read by Charles R. Swindoll titled, "A Rabbit on the Swim Team". Maybe you can see familiar accomplishments and frustrations in the Body of Christ today.

Once upon a time, the animals decided they should organize a school. They adopted an activity curriculum of running, climbing, swimming, and flying. To make it easier all the animals took all the subjects.

The Duck was excellent in swimming, but not the other subjects. The Rabbit started at the top in running, but was at the bottom in the other subjects. The Squirrel was excellent in climbing, but not the other subjects. The Eagle was excellent at flying, but failed the other subjects. However, each animal was expected to excel in all the subjects, which only lead to frustration, discouragement, and even guilt. They couldn't even encourage each other. The Moral is-each creature has its own set of gifts in which they will naturally excell-unless they are expected to fill a mold that doesn't fit.

Let's summarize-the Rabbit quit the swim team, gave up flying lessons, and climbing. He learned it was OK to be himself as so with the other animals. God has placed you in His family and given you certain gifts that make you unique, nobody else is exactly like you. When you and others operate in their realm, beauty, unity, and health automatically occur in the Body of Christ.

So cultivate your own gifts and style. Appreciate Others and your FBC family for who they are, even though their outlook or style may be miles different from yours. Stop comparing. Enjoy being You! There's plenty of room in the forest.

Looking forward to seeing you in Worship at 10:30 and Youth Group at 5:30, every Sunday. Praying for you daily. Love and Blessings, Ms. Debby

"God has a perfect plan for our lives, but it cannot be perfect until we accept it."

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